Sunday, June 7, 2009

Final Summer

Ashley (our oldest) is training to join track next fall. She's not run track previously but she's very interested in cross-country, so, she's drafted good ol' dad (me) to be her running partner. Fortunately for me I'm in a little better shape for the time being--all the cycling has been keeping me "young" and fit and way faster than my teenage daughters :- ).

Speaking of Ashley, she's another reason why we decided to drive our own van all the way to MT (originally my folks were going to fly us out West and let us use their car to make multiple visits and log many miles out and about). This is her last summer before her senior year and we wanted to take the time, see as many sites as we could and make some great memories.

Back to the running. Last night we ran/walked a few miles and met up with Jo and Emily at the community pool. We had a great time practicing mid-air pictures...nothing like acting silly and making fun with a camera... let the final summer begin!

Thank you Lord Jesus for our children. What an incredible blessing they are!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Remember the Traveler...

Today was the first Saturday of the summer for the girls and believe it or not, the first of only three Saturdays we'll be spending in Florida the whole break. We leave next Wednesday (June 10th) for a seriously long summer road trip. It's been four years since we've been West of the Mississippi as a family. We look forward to spending time with family and some long lost friends along the way.

It's much more than a vacation, many of the folks we're visiting are partners with us in our ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators. We'll be in several church services as well. There are a few supporters we're seeing on this trip we've never met face to face, so, the plan is to go a little farther and a little deeper than we've ever been.

We covet your prayers and look forward to seeing you!